Daily Herald: Monday, September 18, 1944 – ‘Going Well’



“Herald” War Reporter at S H A E F, Monday, 1 a.m.

Good radio contact was established last night between the Airborne Army in Holland and Supreme H.Q., and progress reports have begun to filter through.

But it must be, of necessity, some time yet before the first tactical picture of the initial successes can be given.

We must expect a delay of perhaps from twelve to twenty-four hours before the situation can be assessed.

So far everything has gone to plan in the air and on the ground.

Until dusk last evening Allied fighter bombers and fighters were working ahead of the airborne advance, attacking enemy gun posts and defence positions, and breaking up transport columns wherever they were found.
At Heart Of Reich

The attack is being made in the area where the enemy hoped his flank was secure, anchored on the waterways of Holland and the North Sea.

As the operation develops, the right flank of the German armies will be turned.

The new invasion, linked with the advance of the British 2nd and Canadian 1st Armies from Belgium, is an immediate thrust intended for the heart of the Reich.